Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The strategic partnership for the delivery of Excellent Waste services Essay
The strategic partnership for the delivery of Excellent Waste services for the Somerset County Council (SCC) - Essay Example Wyvem needs to adhere to correct business procedures and procedures as failure to do so may lead to cancellation of the contract. Of much importance is the nature of the contract as it touches on a key service delivery area of the Somerset County Council. In the event Wyvem fails to observe the set standard in executing its duties in cycling of waste, environmental degradation in the form of pollution will occur. This can be a barrier to the success of the partnership. Customer focus is important in this contract because the customer is the final consumer. Wyvem cannot realise profits with out maximizing on sales from its products. The Household waste recycling centres will need proper and professional management, which will ensure customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction largely depends on how customers are treated when they visit the centres, how their views and concerns are responded and acted upon and whether they perceive the management of the centres to value them. For the partnership to succeed Wyvem will need to restrict its operations and practice within the standard limits set in the contract. For instance, it can only obtain waste with in the rules set by Somerset County Council. The incentives offered by Wyvem must fall within the agreement just as the penalties Wyvem introduces to defaulters in the process of execution of its tasks must be within acceptable limits. The payment mechanism between the parties will hold as stipulated for in the contract / agreement and no matter the amount of profit Wyvem realises from recycling business, Somerset County Council is not entitled to claim extra benefits from Wyvem. Therefore adherence to the rules and regulations entered in the contract is necessary for the success of the partnership contract. The future of the contract largely depends on how keenly senior compliance officer plays his/ her role. As a senior compliance
Monday, October 28, 2019
Day Chocolate Essay Example for Free
Day Chocolate Essay Introduction This paper is dealing with the Day Chocolate Company, which has been first established in 1993 by a co-operative set of Ghanaian farmers. Thanks to liberalization of the cocoa market in Ghana (1990s) the first step of export was made. Because of the fact that farmers benefits were not thought of by the governmental cocoa agent, the need for a cocoa agent became obvious. This is why the Kuapa Koko was established in 1993 to appeal to the benefits for the farmers. With two farmer representatives the Ghanaian farmers agreed to start The Day Chocolate Company in 1995. The farmers aim was to establish a farmer owned organisation, where farmers were able to work together for their own benefit and trading their own cocoa (Divine 2007). On the following pages the consumer segment, at which day Chocolate is aiming at, and the assessment about what makes it a strong brand is given. Furthermore, the general market trends (opportunities and threats) are presented as well as the question of how Day Chocolate should cope with those opportunities and threats. Finally, it will be discussed where Day Chocolate should go when internationalizing to other parts of the world. Case analysis / Consumer segment The consumer segment that Day Chocolate is aiming at is the so-called concerned consumer. These types of consumers find it important where their products come from. They want to buy Fair trade products like Day Chocolate because they find it important that with buying that product, they really help those who have produced it. Fair trade products insure the integrity of these companies, and therefore the concerned consumer is willing to pay more for a certain product, knowing that the producers in third world countries benefit from this. Although the concept is becoming more and more popular, usually (not always) this type of consumer has a fairly good income. This is usually the case, not because people with a less good income are not interested in Fair trade, but because Fair trade products are mostly slightly more expensive than regular products, and people with a lower income need to keep a tight budget. This is probably the reason that Day Chocolate is selling their products in the top UK supermarkets instead of in a lower price range. According to Adams Raisborough (2008), there is a suggestion that customers who are interested in buying fair trade products are located in the so called middle-class. Besides, there seems to be a relation between higher education of buyer and fair trade, by which it can be proposed that middle-class segmented buyers have more money to spend. What makes the Day Chocolate a strong brand In order to say what makes the Day Chocolate a strong brand one has to have a closer look at the companys competitive advantage, their strengths and weaknesses, the customer equity and their marketing mix. Regarding the companys products, its structure and its mission it gets obvious that its competitive advantage is its fair trade mark. In 1970, the fair trade market has been established by Oxfam, a charity organization, and several other European aid organizations. Consumers who are buying fair trade products are seen as being ethical consumers. Ethical customers are concerned with topics like for instance fair labour conditions, environmental care and fair prices (Transfair USA, 2008). Thus, it can be stated that Day Chocolates competitive advantage is its fair trade mark because it addresses a special type of customer who are willing to pay more money for products and are loyal to companies who are selling fair trade products. Moreover, one the one hand, the companys product excellence is one of their main strengths. They pay very much attention to the quality of their products and their suppliers und this is why the customers are very satisfied and are willing to pay more. The customers can be sure that they will buy great quality und thus they are very loyal. However, as far as not loyal customers are concerned, with the fair trade mark comes -in their point of view- the weakness of Divine chocolate. Because of the fact that the company is doing business in a fair way with African cocoa farmers, the price of their products is higher than that of most of their competitors. In addition to that the portfolio of products is not very high and there is little diversity. So the customer has to go to competitors when they wish to buy more diverse fair trade products. Moreover, the company does not operate globally, which can be seen as another weakness of the Day Chocolate Company. It does not reach a wide range of markets, but is mainly operating in the United Kingdom, the United States, Norway, Canada, Sweden and the Netherlands. So one can deduce that they are operating on an international level and they are a potential global. In order to establish their company/ products more global they need to define their competences and find out how they can utilize this internationally As far as customer equity is concerned it can be stated that it consists of value equity, brand equity and relationship equity. Customers who are truly concerned with the issue of fair trade are very likely to stick with Day Chocolate if they are the only fair trade brand in the region or if they offer the best price/quality ratio. Taking a closer look at Day Chocolates marketing mix, following four Ps can be taken into consideration: The product, price, place and promotion. The first product was a classic milk chocolate bar, which is called Divine and was first launched in 1998. Made with 28% cocoa and real cocoa butter it melts in the mouth irresistibly and has been developed to appeal to the British publics palate preference for creamy chocolate (Bized 2010). Following in the footsteps of Divine The Day Chocolate Company has launched the following products: Darkly Divine (launched in 2001 as a response to the growth in the dark chocolate market and gourmet-cooking sector), Divine Mini Eggs (launched in 2002 as a seasonal product) and Dubble (launched in 2000 as a result of a partnership between the Day Chocolate Company and Comic Relief). The Divine range is continually expanding. Christmas products, such as chocolate coins and Christmas tree baubles, were first sold for Christmas 2002 and Divine white chocolate and Divine milk chocolate with hazlenut was on the shelves in time for Fair trade Fortnight during March 2003 (Bized 2010). Regarding the product prices it can be said that the products are not cheap but at the same time they are affordable. The customers are aware of the fact that they pay more for the product having in mind that they support fair trade. Promotion The Day Chocolate Company is a unique North-South partnership leading the way in producing good quality fairly traded chocolate to the British market. The company is working with organisations and individuals in the private, public and voluntary sectors in order to raise awareness of fair trade (Bized 2010). All in all it can be concluded that it is mainly their fair trade brand image that makes the brand a strong one. Further conclusions!! Market trends, threats and opportunities The chocolate industry is becoming more focused on very specific target markets. For instance the premium chocolate is very popular. This means that there are more adult flavours such as chocolate with spices, exotic tastes like mangos etc. Other trends include single origin (chocolate made with cacao exclusively from one region), organic, Fair Trade and sustainable (The Gourmet Retailer, 2008). Another trend in the chocolate industry of recent years is healthy chocolate. Chocolate is healthy when producers add functional healthy ingredients to their product. In this way they promote the benefits of cocoa because cocoa contains antioxidants[1]. This is why dark chocolate has been promoted the most as it contains the most cocoa. Besides, by adding fruits to the chocolate, the product contains more antioxidants (Confectionery News, 2007). Furthermore, a recent trend is that fair-trade products are called ethically sourced. This is the reason why sales of this type of chocolate have increased in the last years due to the fact that buyers and the industry are more concerned about where the ingredients come from. They do not favour the idea of having child labour connected with their chocolate. Regarding the market trends in the chocolate industry, one big opportunity for Day Chocolate could be to make their chocolate not only a fair trade product, but also a premium product. They could expand their market by developing many different original tastes. If there is more choice, it is likely that they will attract more consumers. Another opportunity lies in printing the cacao content on their products for consumers that pay attention on this. Finally, they could start a new, completely organic, product line. Seeing that it is fair trade and organic this would probably be attractive to their current consumer segment, namely the concerned consumer. In addition, another opportunity for the company is the fact that the fair-trade market is growing, which will give Day Chocolate the opportunity to expand not only their portfolio of products, but also to expand geographically. Nevertheless, the growth of the fair trade market also brings threats. More companies learn that some of their consumers are willing to pay more in order to buy fair trade chocolate and this may lead to more competition. Companies that are afraid of losing their customers to fair trade brands develop their own fair trade products. Another important threat is the recent financial crisis. The crisis may affect the sales of fair trade chocolate/ products, because buyers may tend to buy cheaper chocolate instead of expensive fair trade chocolate. Problems and possible future actions Regarding to the screening process of international market segmentation, firms competing internationally should segment markets on the basis of customers and not on basis of countries. Otherise it would ignore the differences between customers within countries. In the priliminary screening process, the following criteria are important to analyse: * Market size growth * Buying power of customers * Culturally similar markets When those critieria are applied to the day chocolat case it can be notified that their market size is an increasing market with the aim to a global market. Aditonally the buying of power of customers is medium/high. Customers who like the product excellence of the fairtrade products are willing to pay more for excellent chocolate. The culturally similarity of the markets are medium/high. Although there are some small differences, the chocolat market is rather similar in the US , UK, Netherlands and Scandinavia. Therefore, the day Chocolate company has potential to be successful in other markets as well. The Day Chocolate company has already a beverage assortment, which could be further extended to vendor machines, e. g. at airports or railway stations. The expansion of the market could be developed by the use of premium chocolate in different tastes. The market trends showed that fruit chocolates have increased popularity. It would be smart to focus on those kind of chocolates. Furthermore, their expansion could be improved by building relationships with retail companies. In addition to their contracts with Starbucks and co-op they should try to establish agreements with other retail channels. In this point of view, global retailers are probably the best alternative, because they would be able to reach more markets through one channel. Aditionally, a new market possibility could be the supply of other fair trade products. Such as the supply of fair traid coffee. Therefore, they have the ability to build a strong brand in fair trade coffee. (Hollensen S. , 2008) One difficulty is the fact that The Day Chocolate Company still is in its embryonic phase to global expansion. At the moment the UK and the USA are their main markets, however, they have potential to expand to other countries worldwide. Moreover, a possible problem is that the number of competitors is increasing because companies are now realizing the growing demand for fair trade chocolate and, as mentioned before, as consequence develop their own fair trade brands. Finally, the fact that due to the financial crisis the demand for the fair trade products is likely to decrease, may postpone the companys global expansion. Because of these occurring difficulties The Day Chocolate Company should try to expand globally. In order to expand the company makes use of an incremental, step-by-step entering strategy. Due to their products they should enter advanced/ developed countries with a high GNP per capita because in these countries the number of customers, who are willing to pay more for fair trade chocolate and can also afford it, is higher. The company should expand incrementally in combination with a resource concentration strategy. Firstly, day Chocolate will have to establish their company in similar markets as the United Kingdom and they have to be sure that those markets customers are keen on buying ethical products. To be able to deal with the increasing number of competitors the company should try to differentiate their products from competing ones. As far as their internationalization is concerned, Day Chocolate should expand to France and Germany because in these countries fair trade sales are very high compared to the rest of the world. While concentrating on these two countries the company should not pay much attention to Japan and the Mediterranean countries because these countries have very low fair trade sales (Datamonitor, 2008). However, the company should be aware of the fact that they probably need to adapt their products to the new markets. New market segments or new countries? Conclusion The Day Chocolate Company needs to create a global marketing plan in order to be able to internationalize. A strategy which combines the step-by-step manner and the resource concentration seems to be most aptly. Besides, they are able to attain the attention of a wider customer base by building relationships with global retailers. When expanding to other countries it would be a good choice to first establish channels in Germany and France as these countries are, according to a recent survey, interested in fair trade products (Datamonitor, 2008). When they keep on examining customer wishes and market information they are probably on a good way on becoming more global. More conclusions!!! Ideas References * Bized, 2010, Visit: The day Chocolate Company, http://www. bized. co. uk/compfact/daychocolate/chocindex. htm, retrieved on the 20th of February 2010. * Confectionery News, 2007, Chocolate Trends 2007, http://www. confectionerynews. com/The-Big-Picture/Chocolate-Trends-2007, retrieved on the 20th of February 2010. * Datamonitor, 2008, Global ethical revolution is driving growth in fair trade sales, http://www. datamonitor. com/store/news/? productid=284FC7F1-DE33-48B1-861A-63F2447B3DE6, retrieved on the 20th of February 2010. * Divine, 2007, http://www. divinechocolate. com/about/story. aspx, retrieved on the 20th of February 2010. * The Gourmet Retailer, 2008, 2008 Trend Report: Premium Chocolate, http://www. gourmetretailer. com/gourmetretailer/content_display/trends/e3ic1abd1883d2156371dc907ea114507eb, retrieved on the 20th of February 2010. * Hollensen Svend, 2008 , essentials of global marketing, Prentice Hall, 4th edition Read more: http://www. americanessays. com/study-aids/free-essays/business/the-day-chocolate-company. php#ixzz2NWHbC7XY.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Jesus And The Anorexic Suicidal Supermodels :: essays research papers
Jesus and the Anorexic Suicidal Supermodels The family unit is one of the most cherished institutions of American society. Its function is one of philanthropy, to raise America's children in accordance with our accepted norms and various proscriptions and prescriptions. However, rising teenage pregnancy and juvenile crime seem to indicate that the American family is not doing this. Many Americans insist that a family is capable of producing a productive citizen in every instance and believe that only a traditional family can do this. So the conclusion one might draw baring in mind this paradigm is that the traditional one mom and one dad family needs help as a function. Any Pat Robertson-fearing Republican will tell you that Judeo-Christian ethics are the foundation upon which the family is based, therefore to help the family why not foster these religious ideals? (And while we're at it, why not make a contribution to the two billion dollar tax-free Christian Broadcasting Network?) The manifest function here of religion is to provide people with a unifying belief that will scare kids into behaving so they do not go to Hell. The latent function is that it is a slap in the face to every Easterner who has conducted themselves in a productive and positive manner. Many of the Christian right I am sure do not realize how offensive the notion is that Christianity is the only faith to recognize that killing and stealing are bad. What exactly are the "norms" that are so exclusive to Christianity? The Christian world is more afflicted with crime than Singapore ever will be, just take a walk through the super Catholic ghettos of Buenos Aires. I personally believe that the break from moral traditions does not exist. The vast majority of American youth hold murder and violence to be a proscription, and so do their families whether they consist of two moms or two dads or one of each. Certainly poverty has created a problem to compliment the stress placed on those growing up in single parent families, and perhaps here is where faith belongs. If people can just have something to believe in, to lift up their spirits, perhaps the dread of daily life would not seem so terrible for those it depresses, and here I speak not only of inner cities, I speak of the dozens of people I know who have to be on prozac to have the will to wake up in the morning, I speak of the countless multitudes of young women who purposely vomit because they feel they have no control over their lives or because they
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Environmental Movement Essay
Environmentalists advocate the sustainable management of resources and stewardship of the environment through changes in public policy and individual behavior. In its recognition of humanity as a participant in (not enemy of) ecosystems, the movement is centered on ecology, health, and human rights. The environmental movement is represented by a range of organizations, from the large to grassroots. Due to its large membership, varying and strong beliefs, and occasionally speculative nature, the environmental movement is not always united in its goals. At its broadest, the movement includes private citizens, professionals, religious devotees, politicians, and extremists. History of the movement The roots of the modern environmental movement can be traced to attempts in 19th-century Europe and North America to expose the costs of environmental negligence, notably disease, as well as widespread air and water pollution, but only after the Second World War did a wider awareness begin to emerge. The US environmental movement emerged in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, with two key strands: preservationist such as John Muir wanted land and nature set aside for its own sake, while conservationists such as Gifford Pinchot wanted to manage natural resources for human use. Among the early protectionists that stood out as leaders in the movement were Henry David Thoreau, John Muir and George Perkins Marsh. Thoreau was concerned about the wildlife in Massachusetts; he wrote Walden; or, Life in the Woods as he studied the wildlife from a cabin. John Muir founded the Sierra Club, one of the largest conservation organizations in the United States. Marsh was influential with regards to the need for resource conservation. Muir was instrumental in the creation of Yosemite national park in 1890. Muir was also personally involved in the creation of Sequoia , Mount Rainier , Petrified Forest and Grand Canyon national parks. Muir deservedly is often called the ââ¬Å"Father of Our National Park System. ââ¬Å" During the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, several events illustrated the magnitude of environmental damage caused by humans. In 1954, the 23 man crew of theà Japanese fishing vessel Lucky Dragon 5 was exposed to radioactive fallout from a hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll. The publication of the book Silent Spring (1962) by Rachel Carson drew attention to the impact of chemicals on the natural environment. In 1967, the oil tanker Torrey Canyon went aground off the southwest coast of England, and in 1969 oil spilled from an offshore well in Californiaââ¬â¢s Santa Barbara Channel. In 1971, the conclusion of a law suit in Japan drew international attention to the effects of decades of mercury poisoning on the people of Minamata. At the same time, emerging scientific research drew new attention to existing and hypothetical threats to the environment and humanity. Among them were Paul R. Ehrlich, whose book The Population Bomb (1968) revived concerns about the impact of exponential population growth. Biologist Barry Commoner generated a debate about growth, affluence and ââ¬Å"flawed technology. â⬠Additionally, an association of scientists and political leaders known as the Club of Rome published their report The Limits to Growth in 1972, and drew attention to the growing pressure on natural resources from human activities. Meanwhile, technological accomplishments such as nuclear proliferation and photos of the Earth from outer space provided both new insights and new reasons for concern over Earthââ¬â¢s seemingly small and unique place in the universe. In 1972, the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was held in Stockholm, and for the first time united the representatives of multiple governments in discussion relating to the state of the global environment. This conference led directly to the creation of government environmental agencies and the UN Environment Program. The United States also passed new legislation such as the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act- the foundations for current environmental standards. By the mid-1970s anti-nuclear activism had moved beyond local protests and politics to gain a wider appeal and influence. Although it lacked a single co-ordinating organization the anti-nuclear movementââ¬â¢s efforts gained a great deal of attention. In the aftermath of the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, many mass demonstrations took place. The largest one was held in New York City in September 1979 and involved 200,000 people; speeches were given by Jane Fonda and Ralph Nader. Since the 1970s, public awareness, environmental sciences, ecology, and technology have advanced to include modern focus points like ozone depletion, global climate change, acid rain, and the potentially harmful genetically modified organisms . Scope of the movement Before flue-gas desulfurization was installed, the air-polluting emissions from this power plant in New Mexico contained excessive amounts of sulfur dioxide. Environmental science is the study of the interactions among the physical, chemical and biological components of the environment. * Ecology, or ecological science, is the scientific study of the distribution and abundance of living organisms and how these properties are affected by interactions between the organisms and their environment. Modern environmentalism Today, the sciences of ecology and environmental science, rather than any aesthetic goals, provide the basis of unity to most serious environmentalists. As more information is gathered in scientific fields, more scientific issues like biodiversity, as opposed to mere aesthetics, are a concern. Conservation biology is a rapidly developing field. Environmentalism now has proponents in business: new ventures such as those to reuse and recycle consumer electronics and other technical equipment are gaining popularity. Computer liquidators are just one example. In recent years, the environmental movement has increasingly focused on global warming as a top issue. As concerns about climate change moved more into the mainstream, from the connections drawn between global warming and Hurricane Katrina to Al Goreââ¬â¢s film An Inconvenient Truth, many environmental groups refocused their efforts. In the United States, 2007 witnessed the largest grassroots environmental demonstration in years, Step It Up 2007, with rallies in over 1,400 communities and all 50 states for real global warming solutions. Many religious organizations and individual churches now have programs and activities dedicated to environmental issues. The religious movement is often supported by interpretation of scriptures. Most major religious groups are represented including Jewish, Islamic, Anglican, Orthodox, Evangelical, Christian and Catholic. Radical environmentalism Radical environmentalism emerged out of an ecocentrism-based frustration with the co-option of mainstream environmentalism. The radical environmental movement aspires to what scholar Christopher Manes calls ââ¬Å"a new kind of environmental activism: iconoclastic, uncompromising, discontented with traditional conservation policy, at time illegal â⬠¦ Radical environmentalism presupposes a need to reconsider Western ideas of religion and philosophy (including capitalism, patriarchy[10] and globalization)[11] sometimes through ââ¬Å"resacralisingâ⬠and reconnecting with nature. [10] Greenpeace represents an organisation with a radical approach, but has contributed in serious ways towards understanding of critical issues, and has a science-oriented core with radicalism as a means to mediaexposure. Groups like Earth First! take a much more radical posture. Criticisms A study reported in The Guardian concluded that ââ¬Å"people who believe they have the greenest lifestyles can be seen as some of the main culprits behind global warming. â⬠The researchers found that individuals who were more environmentally conscious were more likely to take long-distance overseas flights, and that the resulting carbon emissions outweighed the savings from green lifestyles at home.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Greek or Shakespearean Essay
The essential component to any tragedy, Greek or Shakespearean, is a protagonist with a fatal flaw. In Greek tragedy this is called hamartia. This Latin term translates directly into the word ââ¬Å"flawâ⬠but is usually used to describe an excess of a personality trait ââ¬â virtue or vice. The protagonistââ¬â¢s fatal flaw pushes the the plot and action of the tragedy forward. It is this tragic flaw, which leads to the eventual downfall of the character, his circumstances, and the denouement of the drama. In examining the bulk of the literatureââ¬â¢s protagonists, no other character embodies the essential role of the flawed protagonist like Hamlet. Hamletââ¬â¢s fatal flaw is his idealism. Only once Hamlet overcomes his idealism is he able to seek his revenge. The climax of the play occurs with Hamletââ¬â¢s realization that the world is not as it seems and that he must shrug off his idealistic values and avenge his fatherââ¬â¢s murder Act 3, scene 4. In Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Hamlet, act 3 scene 4, is a pivotal scene within the play. The scene begins in the Queenââ¬â¢s chamber, as Hamlet slams the door open, with sword in hand. They engage in a dialogue of riddles combined with Hamletââ¬â¢s mishandling of the weapon makes the Queen uneasy. Hamlet is upset at the Queen for marrying his fatherââ¬â¢s brother. The Queen screams ââ¬Å"Thou wilt not murder me? Help, ho! â⬠and as Polonius responds, Hamlet promptly shoves his sword into the curtain where Polonius hides and swiftly kills him. Hamlet wonders if it was the King, half hoping that it was Claudius, who Hamlet has been trying to kill the whole play. He fantasies about killing him, in the previous scene, he states ââ¬Å"In thââ¬â¢ incestuous pleasure of his bed. â⬠Hamlet is consumed by the idea of Claudius and Gertrude making love. Once he knows that he only killed Polonius he continues to scold him mother. She responds ââ¬Å"â⬠In thââ¬â¢ incestuous pleasure of his bedâ⬠and Hamlet replies â⬠A bloody deed. Almost as bad, good mother, As kill a king and marry with his brother. â⬠Again Hamlet contrasts the two brothers that Gertrude has become involved with. Hamlet must avenge his fatherââ¬â¢s death. In doing so he must not only kill Claudius but also resurrect his father. He does this by outlining how his fatherââ¬â¢s good qualities compare to his uncleââ¬â¢s bad qualities. Hamlet laments: Look here upon this picture, and on this, The counterfeit presentment of two brothers. See what a grace was seated on this brow, Hyperionââ¬â¢s curls, the front of Jove himself,. . . This was your husband. Look you now what follows. Here is your husband, like a mildewââ¬â¢d ear Blasting his wholesome brother. Hamlet contrasts the two brothers which he claims are completely the opposite. Hamlet believes that Gertrude might has mistaken one for the other. Hamlet continues to verbally assault his mother. Much of what he says is a rephrasing of Hamletââ¬â¢s first solioquy, ââ¬Å"frailty thy name is womanâ⬠as well as Hamlet aggressive behavior toward Ophelia in the nun scene. Act 3, scene 4 is the part of the play when the climax happens. Hamlet must first confront the cause of this murder, Queen Gertrude. It is within in this scene that Hamlet gets his first taste of vengenance and murder when he easily kills Polonius. After this murder, Hamlet decides he can and must kill his fatherââ¬â¢s murderer, Claudius. However, Hamletââ¬â¢s leaves his mother alone because his fatherââ¬â¢s ghost appears and advises Hamlet to ââ¬Å"Leave her to heavenâ⬠. Hamlet respects and loves his father in life and also in death and adheres to the ghostââ¬â¢s advice. Hamletââ¬â¢s goal is to bring back his fatherââ¬â¢s reign not just by pointing out Claudiusââ¬â¢ faults but also by humiliating his mother and her new world to trash. Hamlet continues: Have you eyes? Could you on this fair mountain leave to feed And batten on this moor? Ha, have you eyes? Hamlet is trying to convince his mother give up her new life with Claudius, to find her loyalty to her dead husband, and back to the way things used to be. Hamlet takes the role of ââ¬Å"scourge and minister,â⬠and tells her she can redeem herself from being a whore to being the good wife she used to be. Hamlet advises her to leave Claudius, ââ¬Å"the moorâ⬠and climbs up on her dead husbandââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"mountainâ⬠. Hamlet explains ââ¬Å" throw away the worser partâ⬠of your cleft heart, Hamlet instructs her, ââ¬Å"And live the purer with the other half. â⬠However, Hamlet, as much as he wants to love his mother, can not get past his belief that she is responsible for his fatherââ¬â¢s death. It is important to note that this scene takes place in the Queenââ¬â¢s bedroom. The conversation symbolized Hamlet and Gertrude essentially ââ¬Å"in bedâ⬠together and hints to a sexual relationship. Hamlet speaks like a jealous lover chastising his girlfriend for sleeping with a different man and making their bed ââ¬Å"enseamedâ⬠. The Queen is extremely upset and actually asks Hamlet to help her figure out what to do. At this point when Hamlet should have told her to confess, he urges her to stop her relationship with Claudius, ââ¬Å"Not this, by no means, that I bid you do: Let the bloat king tempt you again to bedâ⬠(Act III, sc iv). It is in the moment that Hamlet allows his emotion to dominate over his intellect that Claudius was killed. He is consumed by the thoughts of his fatherââ¬â¢s demise and is haunted by the knowledge that his fatherââ¬â¢s soul will not be able to rest until his death is avenged. Hamlet willfully concludes, ââ¬Å"My thoughts be bloody or be nothing worthâ⬠(Act IV sc iv). It is then that Hamlet finally had the ability to suppress his idealistic nature, and do what is right. The murder is not a well planned scheme and occurs in the heat of the moment. Hamlet, after the murder of Claudius never once wavers in his decision. He has done what is right and believes that ââ¬Å"There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrowâ⬠(Act V sc ii). Hamlet is able to do anything but take vengeance upon the man who did away with his father and has taken his fatherââ¬â¢s place with his mother. The pain which should have caused him to take immediate revenge was replaced by pity for himself. It is Hamletââ¬â¢s idealistic nature that creates the ultimate theme and driving force behind all the rising action, falling action, and resolution of this tragedy as well as the death of his mother. The way in which Hamlet views his mother, father, and Claudius is finally revealed in Act 3, scene 4. Once Hamlet is able to be honest about his feelings, he is able to finally seek revenge for his fatherââ¬â¢s murder. This scene is pivotal to denouement of the play and essential to Hamletââ¬â¢s transformation from a boy to man who embodies the important qualities which were cherished and expect by an Elizabethan audiences.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Jacksonian Revolution by Robert V. Remini essays
The Jacksonian Revolution by Robert V. Remini essays A New Generation of Political Leaders The age of Jackson initiated a shocking overthrow of the noble republican standards of the founders by the common people. It was the people's turn to be heard and express themselves. In 1828, numerous Americans felt shocked when they heard that Jackson was running for President. Jackson was regarded by some as a "rake" or a scoundrel. One lady even cried, "Well, if Jackson can be president, anybody can!" This was indeed true. The revolution started with an overthrow of the noble republican standards by the common people. The trite people voted for "a crude frontiersman" like Andrew Jackson. They chose him over a distinguished statesman of proven ability. The years from 1828 to 1848 were known as the Age of Jackson, or the Jacksonian era. The United States had experienced many profound changes, and the arrival of thousands of new voters was to change American politics forever. Previously, only the wealthy and better educated were involved in the government. There were no political pa rties, and they were highly unaccepted by both politicians and the general public. A new generation of politicians emerged who regarded political parties more favorably. Martin Van Buren emphasized the need for a two-party system in America. He allied with John C. Calhoun and many other southern politicians. They structured a political organization around the presidential candidate Andrew Jackson. This political organization became a political party ââ¬â the Democratic Party. The Democrats followed the republican beliefs of Thomas Jefferson and opposed a strong central government and also a broad interpretation of the Constitution. They had an essentially conservative political policy. Their political philosophy advocated economy in operating the government. They also wanted to eliminate the national debt, and when Jackson was president, he did eliminate the national debt in January 1835. The Democratic Party had a cent...
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Write a High School Essay
How to Write a High School Essay In the High School, students esquire theoretical information for the subject and learn a particular skill to succeed in class. You will not have a lot of writing assignments during your studying in High School. Teachers more prefer giving tests and quizzes to check your knowledge. High school essay usually covers a small amount of material and check your ability to reproduce learned during the class. You will need to answer concrete questions that have little variety of answers. The forms of writing assignment may vary. It can be an essay, term paper, research paper, thesis, report, speech or review. Writing report is a rear assignment for the High School students because it concerns not only with facts but also with complicated analysis of findings. In the High School essay, you will need to repeat what you were taught during the class, to show that you listened in the class, made notes and then learned the material. You will rarely find thoughtful questions, which require expressing a personal opinion or finding additional information on the topic. For the high-school students, such questions are presented in the pure form that involves only own experience and acquired knowledge. Another type of writing assignments that you can get during your studying is solving the kinds of problems you were already taught how to solve. Such model is common in the science disciplines. Such assignment can very easy evaluate the studentââ¬â¢s knowledge. Each problem has only one answer. While open questions can have broader answers and variations, in scientific issues you should use concrete formulas. There is only one way how you solve the problem, and the answer is just one too. Studying in the High School is much more comfortable than in College. Teachers are always ready to help you and are your friends during the education. They are interested in good grades of their students. Therefore, they offer extra credit assignments to help you to raise your grade, remind you about incomplete work and assign makeup tests and essays to help you pass the class and receive a reasonable degree. Their primary task is to teach you fundamentals but not to set obstacles and make you break them down. They want you to know the material, which is much more comfortable than to create it. If you are asked to create something in your class, it is more fun than difficulty. An exception can be literature classes where you can be asked to compose an essay individually and creatively. To complete successful high school essay you should: Listen attentively in the class Make notes Read all the assigned material Learn information Answer assigned questions as complete as possible Answer all questions Reread your replies Revise if necessary Return your essay on time We have already helped many High School students, and we are here to help you as well. Donââ¬â¢t hesitate. Let us become your remote assistant. Be prepared for your classes and receive good grades! It is soà simple with us! Dont you know how to write an excellent high school essay? Let our professional writers help write a high school essay for you.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Five Research-backed Tips to Supercharge Your Freelance Writing Income
Five Research-backed Tips to Supercharge Your Freelance Writing Income You read tons of tips on how to increase your income, but how do you decide which are worth your limited time? After all, there are only so many hours in the day, and bill collectors arenââ¬â¢t known for their patience. Its simple. You focus on the tips that have been proven to work. Here are five of them, garnered from the best practices of successful freelance writers and good old fashioned scientific studies: 1. Prospect in the right places Successful writers go where the money is. Freelance writers Mridu Khullar Relphà andà Tom Ewer , who both à net $100 per hour, donââ¬â¢t write for content mills or search for work in bargain basement bidding sites like Elance. Instead they focus on clients who pay writers a decent wage. Here are some links to get you started: 2. Retain and gain Regular clients are the key to good, consistent income. It is 50% easier to sell to existing customers than to brand new leads (Marketing Metrics). Not only that, but a 5 percent increase in customer retention can increase a companyââ¬â¢s profitability 3. Specialize to command higher rates As successful freelance blogger Marya Jan puts it, ââ¬Å"You can demand higher rates if you are a subject matter expert.â⬠This is a universal truth, and is echoed 4. Wow your clients Just doing your job is not enough to skyrocket your income. You must deliver superior customer service and superior writing. This will bring a flood of new business your way through enthusiastic referrals from your existing clients. According to AdAge, 20 to 50 percent of purchases are the result of a word-of-mouth recommendation. And a Nielson 2012 online survey found that 92 percent of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family above all other forms of advertising. The best part? Word of mouth advertising is free. 5. Increase your productivity Writers get paid to write, and the faster you can write the higher your income. If you get paid $100 an article and take two hours to write it, your hourly rate is $50. Reduce your writing time to one hour and your rate bumps up to $100 per hour, double your previous rate. How do you increase your writing speed? First avoid the time suck of over research. There is nothing wrong with being thorough but you donââ¬â¢t have to interview ten people for a 300-word blog post on the latest skin care breakthroughs! Do just enough to support the arguments in your article. Second, resist the urge to endlessly tinker with your piece. Edit and rewrite as necessary, but donââ¬â¢t let the perfectionist in you take over. Lastly, work on your typing speed - the faster you type, the faster you can write. You can learn how for free at and You can make more money with your freelance writing. Implement some or all of the above tips and watch the difference it makes to your bottom line.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Critically analyse the extent to which the militarisation of Essay
Critically analyse the extent to which the militarisation of humanitarian assistance has affected the way in which humanitarian agencies carry out their role in conflict affected countries - Essay Example crisis with humanitarian action in most parts increasingly being used as a selective tool for the powerful hence failing to live up to its principles as well as ââ¬Å"protection and restoration of the dignity of human lifeâ⬠(pp. 1). This, he attributes to the militarisation and politicisation of humanitarian assistance which has grossly impacted the effectiveness of such humanitarian efforts and increasingly put the life of the aid workers at risk. A recent example of military involvement in humanitarian efforts is the Haiti experience where in the aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the first humanitarian response was the deployment of the United States and Canadian military troops in the region to distribute foreign aid and help in disaster relief efforts. Mennonite Central Committee (2011) in Haiti were particularly concerned as to the mission of foreign troops in the land taking account that the military may not be as effective as professional relief agencies in delivering aid to areas most needed (pp. 1). Other areas where militarisation of humanitarian assistance has been noted in the recent past include Kosovo, Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan. With such trends rising, this paper investigates the impact that militarisation of Humanitarian Assistance has on the way in which humanitarian agencies carry out their role in conflict affected countries. The paper first defines what militarisation of humanitarian assistance is all about, clearly evaluating how humanitarian space is being invaded by the military force. It will then engage the key debates and concepts concerning militarisation of humanitarian assistance both from those who support it and those who do not. These debates are mainly from an ethical and moral view point as humanitarian assistance is inherently guided by moral values. Finally, the paper analyses the role of humanitarian agencies in conflict affected countries linking theory and practice, taking into account militarisation of
Are mobile phones fashionable Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Are mobile phones fashionable - Case Study Example A strategic plan entails all aspects of the business. Of paramount importance to any business is the market. This comes before the actual business is initiated. The plan will illustrate the kind of market to venture in. In the case of Nokia Telecommunication Company, the details of the market of target could include: office managers, the business world, students who really on research and could benefit from the internet. Nokia could also target the general public who needs very cheap and affordable phones due to their low economic status. Another market is the very rich citizens of the society. These are people who always go with class. A class in this respect is measured in terms of wealth. One is of a higher class if they have very expensive gargets. Nokia phone whose value range is 800 is the best for such a group (National statistics, 2007). The strategic plan should also give a summary of activities that take place in the market. This explicitly gives the account of the market size and scope. Nokia targets the global market as a whole. However the greatest of this is in the major markets like USA. The United Kingdom is one of the world's most globalised countries, ranking fourth in one recent survey. The capital, London is one of the three major financial centres of the world, along with New York City and Tokyo. Such a market is large and very dynamic. New inventions arrive and go at a very high frequency. Nokia is therefore put to task of introducing new inventions at the market rate. As the fashion industry expands in creativity, Nokia is also forced to maintain the pas of assimilation. This is so because the buyers taste is influenced greatly by what is current in the market. A strategic plan of a business also will contain information about the competitors that a company will meet in the market. It is a must to have competition in any sphere of life. The truth however is that no one gets pleased about this, especially when a rival has an advantage over them. A Strategic plan gives details on how to be on top of the other players. Normal competitive pressures are not able to drive down a firm's earnings to the point where they cover all costs and just provide minimum sufficient additional return to keep capital invested. Most forms of competitive advantage cannot be sustained for any length of time because the promise of economic rents drives competitors to duplicate the competitive advantage held by any one firm. Firms get to improve their products, and lower the cost of purchase of their products. Sustainable competitive advantage simply an advantage that one firm has relative to competing firms. The source of the advantage can be something the company does that is distinctive and difficult to replicate. This is known as core competency in business terms. Nokia has advanced in leading the market through Cost Leadership, Differentiation Focus and Cost Focus. A company must have the right resources like finance, assets, and technical competence to thrive well in the competitive environment (Scholes, 2008). The environment may also affect the competition levels in the industry. The ways in which the environment does this are obvious. These include the number of companies in the market, the prices used by the competitor and the strengths of the host company. Strategies exist widely at several levels in any organisation -
Friday, October 18, 2019
Uncompleted or inchoate crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Uncompleted or inchoate crimes - Essay Example mstances and among different cultures and continents that Common Law postulates were fashioned, modified, edited and altered ââ¬â not abruptly but subtly, through decades of observation and application in the form of verdicts from the courts of law ââ¬â and what can be seen today is the end result of absorption through years of diverse ethos and interaction between cultural and societal forces at work in numerous societies. Common legal principles and concepts as ââ¬ËMagna Chartaââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËBill of Rightsââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËHabeas Corpusââ¬â¢ and even ââ¬ËRight of trial by juryââ¬â¢ have their origins in Common Law. The evolution of Common Law has been a long natural process and is based on the principle of stare decisis, a Latin clause that literally means "stand by things decided." To explain it further, the clause means a judge in a court of law has to apply the law as it is presented to him through previous decisions of courts of law. But this does not really prevent judges from making a law as they can and, almost always do, introduce changes that obviously cannot be revolutionary but subtle in nature and an accumulation of such subtle changes finally lead to a marked alteration in the present version of the law as compared to its original form. (Neilson, 1882) Though Common Law originated in England and still forms the basis of prevalent laws in England, Wales and Ireland, it also wields deep influence on legal systems of United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India and many other commonwealth countries. However, with the passage of time, it has been observed that most countries have veered towards a system where distinctions between Common Law and Civil Law (or, codified law) have increasingly been obliterated as jurisprudence (for all practical purposes another name for Common Law) gained importance in countries following Civil Law and statutes and codes were more often cited in countries following Common Law. There are two concepts ââ¬â actus reus (the
Leadership and control plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Leadership and control plan - Assignment Example The president of the firm is currently not delegating any responsibilities to its vice-presidents. A lot of changes have to occur at this company to turn things around. A new leadership plan has to be implemented to improve the employee morale at the firm. One of the first steps to show the employees that the firm cares about their professional development is to immediately implement a training and development plan. Each month all the employees of the firm should have the opportunity to receive at least an hour of training. The firm should have both required and voluntary training and development sessions. The managerial staff of the firm should receive advance training on leadership topics. Another way to improve leadership within the company is by adopting the use of delegating and empowerment. These two topics should be emphasized in the training and development efforts of the firm. Delegation can be defined as the process of giving power or work to someone else so that they are responsible for part of what they normally do (Theyagu). Leadership can also be enhanced at the company by the utilization of teamwork. Working in team units allows work ers to improve their communication skills and to work in a cohesive manner with their colleagues to achieve common goals. The control measures of the company are completely inadequate. The firm has a major weakness in its accounting department. The firmââ¬â¢s accounting department is understaffed and not performing adequately. The first step is for the firm to hire a consultant in accounting to perform an external auditing to ensure that the company is complying with the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The external audit performed by this firm must be evaluated by the newly hired position of comptroller at the firm. Along with a comptroller the firm must hire two additional staff accountants with at least three years of experience in accounting. The newly form accounting
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Problem-solving tools and techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Problem-solving tools and techniques - Essay Example For example a son desires to search out an extraordinary present for his grand parents 25th anniversary, but he doesnââ¬â¢t have knowledge of what would suit the best. He brainstorms many gift suggestions to choose a gift that would explain his parents that how much they value for him. Benchmarking is the procedure of deciding who is the most excellent, who places the standard, and what that standard is. For example: In cricket, the victory in five successive World Cup finals declared Australia the benchmark. Groupthink describes one process by which a group can make bad or irrational decisions. In a groupthink situation, each member of the group attempts to match up his or her opinions to what they believe to be the consensus of the group Groupthink, a name created by social psychologist Irving Janis (1972), takes place when a group takes flawed decisions for the reason that group strains escorts to a deterioration of ââ¬Å"mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgmentâ⬠(p. 9). Nominal group technique (NGT) is a prearranged technique for group brainstorming that supports offerings from every person of the group. For example a group of bankers functioning on improving a management account has a clearly organized work manner, and therefore use NGT instead of Brainstorming to come up with the correct format. Intuition is the capability to acquire a logic, image or sense regarding somebody or something. Intuition communicates by signs, thoughts and sentiments. Intuition is present in everyone since his/her birth. For instance, you can be a fine author, excellent listener,à observant, imaginative, responsive, high flier and cultured. You may have a leadership quality ad you may have a quality to take a right decision on a right time. These things are God gifted and help you make
How can we ethically increase organ donation Essay
How can we ethically increase organ donation - Essay Example Moreover, legal principles are discussed as the crucial principles of organ donation development in UK and USA. On the examples of legal regulations adapted in UK and USA organ donation it is clearly seen that organ transplantation is currently developed in such a way that organ donation is propagated in the society as a moral obligation of all citizens. Many people die every year in a queue for a transplant. Both dead and alive people can donate their organs. Some countries have regulations and laws, which allows organ transplantation from a dead relative without agreement of his relatives. Voluntarily donation of organs leaves much to be desired. Is there a lack of monetary reward or encouragement? Are ethical issues violated in organ donation? It is necessary to draw reveal a curtain from this modern problem, because thousands of lives are at stake1. Sally Satel in her article claims that organ donors should get a worthy monetary compensation. Mere altruism is not sufficient facto r to increase organ donation. In her article Sally Satel discusses an experience of kidney transplantation. A donor sacrificed his kidney for the favor of a recipient and got no monetary compensation. A mere altruism was a basis of such an outstanding gesture of a donorââ¬â¢s generosity. ... UK allows covering expenses connected with organ donation. Organ transplantation is more available in other countries and those who need organs often travel abroad to the countries where it is legal or possible to buy organs in the illegal market. Of course, organ donation covers ethical and legal issues. Ethical consideration of the problem is of high relevance currently. In accordance with Professor Strathern ââ¬Å"We need to think about the morality of pressing people to donate their bodily material. Offering payment or other incentives may encourage people to take risks or go against their beliefs in a way they would not have otherwise doneâ⬠4. Currently, in order to shift accents of immoral oppressing of ââ¬Å"people who are able to donate their organs, people are encouraged to donate their organs in the name of their beloved salvation or the whole societyâ⬠.5. In the Organ Donation Taskforce report of January 2008, in order to encourage people to donate, it is relev ant to solve different issues in order to provide all clinics with necessary conditions to conduct operations of organ transplantation. Concerns about non-heartbeating donation require strict legal principles. Legal principles of organ donation of patients are discussed in the Department of Health considerations. In the UK, NHBD plays a role of legal regulations occurring in case a patient dies. Moreover, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) regulates doctorsââ¬â¢ actions to decide in the best interests of a dying person if his brain is badly injured. In accordance with UK courts, ââ¬Å"best interests are wider than simply treating a personââ¬â¢s medical condition and include a personââ¬â¢s social, emotional, cultural and religious interestsâ⬠6. Consequently, best interests of a person are discussed with
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Problem-solving tools and techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Problem-solving tools and techniques - Essay Example For example a son desires to search out an extraordinary present for his grand parents 25th anniversary, but he doesnââ¬â¢t have knowledge of what would suit the best. He brainstorms many gift suggestions to choose a gift that would explain his parents that how much they value for him. Benchmarking is the procedure of deciding who is the most excellent, who places the standard, and what that standard is. For example: In cricket, the victory in five successive World Cup finals declared Australia the benchmark. Groupthink describes one process by which a group can make bad or irrational decisions. In a groupthink situation, each member of the group attempts to match up his or her opinions to what they believe to be the consensus of the group Groupthink, a name created by social psychologist Irving Janis (1972), takes place when a group takes flawed decisions for the reason that group strains escorts to a deterioration of ââ¬Å"mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgmentâ⬠(p. 9). Nominal group technique (NGT) is a prearranged technique for group brainstorming that supports offerings from every person of the group. For example a group of bankers functioning on improving a management account has a clearly organized work manner, and therefore use NGT instead of Brainstorming to come up with the correct format. Intuition is the capability to acquire a logic, image or sense regarding somebody or something. Intuition communicates by signs, thoughts and sentiments. Intuition is present in everyone since his/her birth. For instance, you can be a fine author, excellent listener,à observant, imaginative, responsive, high flier and cultured. You may have a leadership quality ad you may have a quality to take a right decision on a right time. These things are God gifted and help you make
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Change in Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Change in Schools - Essay Example However, the judgments made on these ruling have raised various questions with regards to whether the courts had the interests of the children at heart. According to California State Laws, courts, in their endeavors of making various decisions concerning children including custody and placement, permanency and safety planning, education and parental rights determination are faced with the burden of ensuring that their decisions are in the best interests of children (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2010). One notable court case, the Eliezer Williams, et al., vs. State of California, et al. case, filed in San Francisco in 2000 as a class action against the State of California and its education agencies such as CDE, California Department of Education by more than 110 students. The suit was based on the fact that the education agencies in California failed in providing students with equal access to safe and decent school facilities, instructional material and qualified teachers. In 2004, this case was decided, and it was settled that additional funding was to be allocated by the state to be used for improving the quality of instructional materials, facilitating access to decent and safe facilities and hiring of qualified teachers, in the light of ensuring that the academic performance indices of schools in tire one and two significantly improves (California Department of Education, 2012). In this particular case, it is clear that the settlement reached by the court, was in the best inte rest of the children-students-who will benefit from equal access to safe and decent school facilities, instructional material and qualified teachers. In another separate court case ruling with regards to change in schooling with regards to lower crime rate, the Robles-Wong v. California case in 2010, settled that parents are allowed to remove their children from one school to another on the basis of crime rate (Kemerer, Sansom, & Sansom, 2009). The ruling of this
Monday, October 14, 2019
Dominos Pizza Essay Example for Free
Dominos Pizza Essay The legend of Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza dates back to December, 1960 with the purchase of a small pizza shop in Ypsilanti, Michigan by brothers Tom and Jim Monaghan. The brothers bought the restaurant from friend Dominick DeVarti for USD500 cash and assuming the stores USD8,000 debt (Dicke, 1992). Neither Tom nor Jim had the intention of making the restaurant business their career, but rather saw the opportunity as a part-time venture to help cover the cost of their studies at the nearby University of Michigan. By June the store was earning a profitable USD400 a week but briskly fell off when students at the University went home for summer. Faced with the prospect of a slow phase, Jim sold Tom his half of the business in 1961 and changed the name from Dominickââ¬â¢s to Dominoââ¬â¢s. The same year, Tom decided to quit school to devote more time to the business. Aware of his lack of experience in pizza making and operations and management, Tom spent much of his time visiting many similar pizzerias around the state acquiring advice on operations and recipes. By the mid 60ââ¬â¢s, Tom had restructured the interior of the store, rearranged all areas and systems, ultimately improving the flow of work in all facets of the operation from order-taking to delivery. ââ¬Å"Monaghanââ¬â¢s system was reminiscent of those developed by the managers of White Castle Hamburger in the 20ââ¬â¢s and the McDonald brothers in the 40ââ¬â¢sâ⬠(Dicke, 1992). The implementation of this system formulized the production process as a unified whole, and included the standardization of materials, clever and thoughtful placement of equipment, and detailed division of labor; all geared to achieve the continuous production of its limited product line. By 1967, Dominoââ¬â¢s emphasis on uniform quality and rapid delivery proved a successful system for operating a pizza shop and therefore provided opportunity for expansion through franchising. 3. HISTORY IN MALAYSIA The company landed in Malaysia in September 1997. Launched by its founder, Tom Monaghan himself, Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza became an overnight sensation. It was so well-received that Dominoââ¬â¢s Malaysiaââ¬â¢s commissary was recognised in the Annual Dominoââ¬â¢s International Audit as the Best Commissary in Asia Pacific. 4. PRODUCTS [pic] Exhibit 4. 1 Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza Customer Benefit Package Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza offers a wide range of meals to its customers. They offer variety of pizza, pasta, side orders and beverages. They have 5 unique pizza crusts i. e. Classic Hand Tossed, Crunchy Thin Crust, Cheese Burst Double Decker, New York Crust and Extreme Edge to satisfy Malaysian customersââ¬â¢ appetite. [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] Exhibit 4. 2 Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza 5 unique Pizza Crust Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza also offered numbers of topping such as Ultimate Hawaiian, 7-Meat Wonders, Meatasaurus, Prawn Passion, Chicken Perfection, Tuna Extreme, Prawn Sensation, BBQ Chicken, Aloha Chicken, Extravaganza, Classified Chicken, Plain Cheese, Beef Pepperoni, Chicken Pepperoni, Classic Chicken, Flaming Tuna, Meat Mania, Seafood Delight, Spicy Sambal, Spicy Sausage, Tuna Temptation, Vegie Fiesta and Vegie Galore. Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza also allowed their customers to customize their pizza by offering 2 options i. e. Make Your Own and Half Half. [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] Exhibit 4. 3 Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza delicious Specialty Pizza Customize Pizza Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza comes with 3 Signature Pizza Sauces such as Dominoââ¬â¢s Signature Sauce, Spicy Sambal Sauce and Top Secret Sauce. [pic] [pic] [pic] Exhibit 4. 4 Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza signature Pizza Sauces. Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza also serve varieties of side orders such as Chicken Wings BBQ, Chicken Wings Hot Spicy, Spaghetti Bolognese, Chicken Lasagna, Creamy Custard Puff Desert, Garlic Twisty Bread, Garlic Cheese Onion Rings, BreadStix, Banana Kaya Desert, CinnaStix Icing and Chocolate Lava Cake. Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza also offers Coca-Cola, Sprite and Fruit Tree Fresh Apple Aloe Vera for its beverages. The above products are considered primary goods for Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza and these products will ensure that Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza customerââ¬â¢s needs of foods will be fulfill. Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza has introduced its Unique Selling Preposition (USPs) which includes:- 1. 30-Minutes Delivery Guarantee! Dominos is the only pizza company that guarantees customerââ¬â¢s order will arrive within 30 minutes or Dominoââ¬â¢s will give its customer a free Regular Pizza voucher; 2. Product Satisfaction Guarantee Dominos guarantees satisfaction! Their pizza and side orders are guaranteed to be hot, fresh, and great tasting when they arrives at customerââ¬â¢s doorstep, otherwise Dominoââ¬â¢s will replace the product or refund customerââ¬â¢s money. 3. 15-Minute Take-Away Guarantee Dominos guarantees customers will receive their Take-Away orders within 15 minutes or Dominoââ¬â¢s will give them a free Personal Pizza voucher. 4. Free Delivery No extra charges for delivery to customerââ¬â¢s doorstep. Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza also introduced discount coupons for its customersââ¬â¢ future purchase. This method is really works for Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza where they tie-up their customer with the attractive offer for future purchase. This will also create loyalty among Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza customers. Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza also allowed their online customers to pay their orders using credit card where previously they only accept cash payment for the online purchase. The above services can be considered as peripheral services where it will benefit Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza customers and will add confident for the customers to choose Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza rather than other Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza competitors such as Pizza Hut and Papa John. [pic][pic][pic][pic] Exhibit 4. 5 Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza Unique Selling Prepositions (USPs). Further to the above Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza also obtained a Halal Certification for all its products from Jabatan Kemajuan Islam, Malaysia (JAKIM) which will add more confident to Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza current and future customers. 5. VALUE CHAIN [pic] Exhibit 5. 1 Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza Value Chain It is important to consider how a customer need drives Dominos to create the product. The customer need that drives the entire value chain is the need for a dependable take away restaurant, reasonably priced hot quality food and variety that suits the local palette. Dominos has focused on these key customer needs throughout the value chain, and has not allowed any digressions in this area unlike other competitors who have evolved a mixed model of full service restaurants and takeaway outlets, or a hybrid combination of both. This has diluted their strengths in the segment Dominos focuses on Takeaway / Home delivery. Its global operational model allows for lean stores, well-trained staff and flexibility at a country level to customize menus to suit customer tastes. Operational requirements have prompted the use of technology to make the customer experience more enriching, it has a history of firsts ââ¬â they were the first to use TV as a distribution channel, an online tracking system that allows customers to track the pizza order and a proprietary point of sale system. A combination of the Company level strategy and the Operational Strategy has resulted in Dominos having a reputation for reliability and consistent pizza quality ââ¬â these strategies have ensured that Dominos continues to meet its customer needs. 6. OPERATIONS STRATEGY. Dominos operations strategy mainly focuses on the providing high service quality to the customer: 1. Minimize operations cost: To minimize the operating cost by improving the efficiencies and process at the stores. 2. Strategic store locations to facilitate the delivery service: To leverage the strategic location of the store in order to facilitate quick service to the customer and maximize the revenue. 3. Production oriented store designs: To utilize the production oriented store design in order to facilitate efficient production and quick service to the customer. 4. Efficient order taking, production and delivery: To execute an efficient operational process that includes order taking, pizza preparation, cooking, boxing and delivery. 5. Use of Dominoââ¬â¢s PULSE point-of-sale system: Use of Dominoââ¬â¢s PULSE system to improve operating efficiencies, provide corporate management with easy access to financial and marketing data and reduce time consumption and expenses. 6. Product and process innovations: To promote an innovative culture that increases both quality and efficiency. 7. A focused menu: To maintain a focused menu that is designed to present an attractive quality offering to customers, while minimizing order errors, and expediting the order taking and food preparation processes. 8. A comprehensive store operations evaluation program: To utilize a comprehensive store audit program to ensure that stores are meeting both as the expectations of the customers. The Performance Prioritizing would help Dominos in prioritizing its operational strategies based on the order-winning criteria and the current issues it faces in relation to the competition. 1. Excess zone ââ¬â Dominos invests in promotional strategy to a greater extent as compared to other food chain outlets. It offers many discount coupons to attract customers. Discount offers do help to some extent in attracting customers but too many discount and promotions tend to lower the brand image. So Dominos need to cut down some expenses in that section which will not affect its sales. 2. Appropriate zone ââ¬â Dominos has got an excellent unmatched home delivery service through which it stays ahead of its rivals. The ? 30-minute luxury? of Dominos has given the brand a strong image among the customers. This gives Dominos a clear balance between its competitors and customers. 3. Improve zone ââ¬â Dominos need to improve its product quality in order to maintain reputed. It needs to emphasize on the pizza quality and prioritizing all aspects that relate to the customer. For example, Pizza Hut specifies the calories consumption in each pizza. This reflects the brand concern for the customer. So Dominos should also initiate some measures which would foster the ââ¬Å"emotional connectionâ⬠to its customers. 4. Urgent action zone ââ¬â In order to increase the service to customers, Dominos should ensure speedy delivery of pizzas to customers. For this, Dominos need to work on its existing process design. There should be enough space and staff for service and extra machines to handle any machinery failure during peak periods. 7. REFERENCES 1) http://www. wikipedia. org 2) http://www. dominospizza. com. my Discount Coupon for future purchase Free Delivery Service Credit Card payment for online orders 15-Minutes Take-Away Guarantee 30-Minutes Delivery Guarantee Pizza Side Orders Beverages.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Theory of Utilitarianism Essay -- essays research papers fc
THEORY--Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã The theory of Utilitarianism states that actions should be judged as right or wrong depending on whether they cause more happiness or unhappiness. It weighs the rightness and wrongness of an action based on consequences of that action. PRINCIPLES-- (1) CONSEQUENCE PRINCIPLE: Actions are to be judged right or wrong mainly by their own consequences. Nothing else matters. Right actions are those that have the best consequences. -No act is right in and of it self. -No act is wrong in and of it self. (2) PRINCIPLE OF UTILITY: The only thing that matters is the amount of happiness and unhappiness that is caused. Therefore the right actions are those that produce the highest ratio of happiness over unhappiness. So in judging the consequences only the wants of happiness and pain are relevant morally. (3) PRINCIPLE OF IMPARIALITY: When finding happiness and unhappiness that's caused ones own happiness is to be looked at more important then anyone else's. Every person is equally important as the next when it comes to happiness. Applying the 3 principles of Utilitarianism: (1) Utilitarian can disagree about what is right and wrong yet still be utilitarians. (2) The principle of Impartiality has its limits, so . . . (3) Personality types can be assessed in terms of their utility. EVERYDAY SCENARIO-- Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Utilitarian experience's conflict when considering acts of injustice that does harm to others. That this sort of...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Essay --
Since the early 20th century, the Scottish penal system has gone through numerous transformations as the society changes and grows, including the important period where Scotland struggled to create itââ¬â¢s own identity, separate from the rest of the UK. These developments have been pivotal in regards to the modernization of the Scottish Criminal Justice system, which is often described as being made up of a complex set of processes and involves many different bodies . Over the past decade, the main problem at hand is that Scotland, a relatively small country in the scheme of things, has a serious problem with imprisonment , meaning that we have a higher imprisonment rate than nearly anywhere else in Western Europe. Recent research has shown that it sends over twice as many people to prison than the similarly sized countries within Europe , but in a debate on penal policy in 2007, the Cabinet Secretary for Justice Kenny MacAskill, stated that ââ¬Å"the Government refuses to belie ve that the Scottish people are inherently bad or that there is any genetic reason why we should be locking up twice as many offenders as Ireland or Norway.â⬠The aim of this essay will be to look at the recent changes within Scotlandââ¬â¢s penal system, and whether this ââ¬Ëimprisonment crisisââ¬â¢ has been the outcome of penal developments in the past. Following the completion of the Second World War, Scotland (and the rest of the UK) was a place where a boost in the welfare state led to penal welfarism being key, which Garland argues that ââ¬Ëreform and social intervention were plausible responses to crime and that alternatives to prison were healthyââ¬â¢ . This ideology meant that during this period the overall consensus was that rehabilitation was more heavily used, as prison... ...h the modern society. The developments in penal reform and policies in Scotland have grown with the creation of modern Scotland. Devolution fundamentally changed the nature of criminal justice in Scotland, and the research as shown that increased political involvement and the need for has changed the penal policies over the past few decades. Pre-devolution it was clear that policy-making was carried out in partnership between civil servants and agencies with a rate of change, but the introduction of devolution propelled policy-making into an unstable and heavily politicised environment, which was never the case before, where it now answers to political expediency and the political cycle and this forced the Scottish Criminal Justice Service to take shape become what it is today to deal with the new crime and punishment issues that were revolutionizing over time.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Nu Shu – The Women’s Writing of China
Nu Shu, also known as the women's writing of China, was a major part of Chinese women's lives throughout the 20th century. Unlike any other writing, it is the only known hidden written language. Women used Nu Shu as a way to escape from the oppressive outside world and enter into a peaceful state of mind. Life was hard enough for women; it's scary to think how hard Nu Shu was probably the most commonly valued thing for women in China during this time period. It was valued so much because it was used to share women's miseries. China was ruled by men, and women were nothing more than ousewives and sometime field workers. What made it so special was that only women knew about it. It was a written language expressed by songs and stories. Any other language besides Chinese was forbidden by Emperors. Women couldn't use any form of education, so it had to be formed in secret. Having been something only women knew, it was an easy way for them to express their hardships and sufferings. Every woman at that time was going through the same thing, so it was seen as the easiest way for women to let out their feelings. Males dominated society completely, and Nu Shu was the nly true form of power that women had. If it had been leaked to the public, not only would it have been banned, but many women would have been sent to jail and killed if found using it. Women were beaten and abused to the point where a good day in marriage was a day you cried. Marriages were always arranged, and many women didn't even have feelings towards their husbands. They had to put up with the abuse and couldn't complain. At any point in time, a man could tell his wife what to do and when to do it. Women had no say in the government, their marriage, and in everyday society. The only time they could speak freely was when writing in Nu Shu. Their only audience willing to listen was other women, and Nu Shu was the only way to get in touch with other women without anyone finding out. Whether or not Nu Shu was good or bad is often debated. I happen to think it was good for many reasons. Women weren't educated in any way. Nu Shu was the closest thing they had to education. With education comes power, and that was exactly what women needed. In a time when men ruled society, power is everything. While it wasn't power that everyone recognized, it helped women have better mindsets. In a way, it was creating a more equal society for these women. Equal was definitely something the Chinese culture wasn't centered around, but it was something all women strived for one day. It was often believed that Nu Shu taught women to accept their suffering, but I actually think it was the opposite. No women would ever accept that feet binding were okay, or that the beatings from their husbands should be allowed. Instead, they learned how to cope with these struggles. Knowing how to handle yourself in bad times is a very good quality to have. When thrown a curveball in life, instead of sulking about t, the better thing to do is to take a step back and learn how to deal with it. I think that is something people in Western society do well and in the long run made the Chinese women stronger. Unfortunately, the last living person proficient in Nu Shu died several years ago. I think it's a shame that Nu Shu is closer to being extinct. While the actual writing itself may have no significance to anyone in today's world, I think a great lesson can be learned from it. It's fascinating how long women were successful in keeping it a secret, and overall made the Chinese women stronger people.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Riordan Enterprise Risk Management Plan
Riordan Manufacturing is a Fortune 1000 company that specializes in the plastic injection molding industry. They are an international company with facilities in California, Georgia, Michigan, and China. Their products include beverage containers, plastic fan parts, and custom plastic parts. Riordan prides themselves on their industry leading research and development (University of Phoenix, 2009). The following Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) plan was developed for Riordan Industries, Inc. and its subsidiaries. The goal of this plan is to help mitigate any legal liability on the part of Riordan by implementing the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) framework (Jennings, 2006). Alternative Dispute Resolution Alternative Dispute Resolution is a way of resolving differences outside of the courtroom. This includes anything from informal negotiations, to formal written arbitration (Jennings, 2006). Currently, Riordan keeps an attorney on retainer but does not have a dispute resolution in process, thus if a conflict were to escalate, they would not have a resolution plan in process. It is in Riordanââ¬â¢s best interest to have a mediation process in place to help settle disputes. The reasoning is mediation is cheaper than other dispute resolution methods, especially litigation, and it protects the confidentiality of the parties involved (Peters and Mastin, 2007). Riordanââ¬â¢s internal legal council will work directly with the law firm on retainer to develop a mediation process with varying levels of triggers based on levels of risk. In doing so, Riordan should set up a process for which their internal legal department can handle the brunt of the load to further reduce costs. Enterprise Liability Enterprise Liability suggests that those who profit from a risk should also bear the cost of accidents that arise from that risk (Keating, 2001). With manufacturing plants in several locations, including internationally, there is significant risk of an accident, of which Riordan would be liable for. Riordan provides employees with basic training and an employee manual outlining relevant laws (University of Phoenix, 2009). However, there currently is not a monitoring system or a proactive detection system in place to detect any transgressions. In the employee manual, Riordan outlines a rigorous discipline system. However, when looking through employee records, there is no record of any discipline associated with employees who violated the attendance policy (University of Phoenix, 2009). This leads to speculation that Riordan does not follow any of their discipline policies. If these records were obtained in a legal dispute it would leave Riordan extremely vulnerable. Employee records should be centralized and controlled area where they can be properly maintained. Product Liability Product Liability is defined as, ââ¬Å"Legal responsibility of the manufacturers, wholesellers, retailers to the buyers or users of the damages or injuries caused by the use of defective productsâ⬠(Legal-Explainations. com, n. d. ). With several manufacturing locations, Riordan focuses on quality and the elimination of defects in its manufacturing process by applying ISO 9000, and the Six Sigma standards for production, shipping, and quality control (University of Phoenix, 2009). However, they have no company-wide standards in place for dealing with quality control. For example, the Pontiac site has internal memos discussing quality control issues, yet no one took accountability to take action. Riordan will assume a significant amount of risk if it is discovered that they were aware of the quality control issues, yet took no action. Riordan should immediately implement a whistle-blower policy to encourage employees to report any compliance or quality control issues. In addition, Riordan should set up a team of individuals to work with an independent third party to handle these reports. International Law Riordanââ¬â¢s China location is a joint venture with their Chinese partners handling everything from labor, capital, regulations, and hazardous waste cleanup. The officers and directors of Riordan have no real authority over their Chinese partners, nor do they have any legal counsel there for support (University of Phoenix, 2009). Riordan should extend their internal legal department to include staff with expertise in Chinese regulatory compliance. Tangible Property Tangible Property is defined as the type of property we can see and touch (Jennings, 2006). At each of Riordanââ¬â¢s locations, they maintain a variety of angible property, such as: general office equipment, transportation equipment, and information technology equipment. Riordan must develop a better system to track the purchase, and use of this equipment, including management of leases, maintenance, and general accounting guidelines. Riordan also maintains a supply of raw materials at each location. However, there is not currently a process in place of investigating any missing material (University of Phoenix, 2009). It is recommended that Riordan develop a process for documenting the full inventory process from delivery to use in order to assist any investigation into missing materials. In addition, Riordan needs to develop a much more robust security and emergency plan to protect these assets from theft or other damages. Intellectual Property Intellectual Property or Intangible property is defined as bundles of rights with respect to goodwill, trade names, copyrights, patents, trade dress, trade secrets (Jennings, 2006). Riordan maintains various trademarks, patents, copyrights, software, and trade secrets. The protection of these assets is imperative to their future. Riordan needs to develop a system to identify their existing intellectual property and how to protect that property, such as: restricted areas to store data, encryption, and conduct background checks on employees ââ¬â especially those with access to sensitive materials, and the use of non-disclosure agreements. In additions, copyrights, patents and trademarks must be registered and maintained (Jennings, 2006). Legal Forms of Business Riordan is a corporation with, ââ¬Å"unlimited duration, free transferability of interest, limited liability for shareholders/owners, continuity, and centralized management,â⬠(Jennings, 2006). This eliminates personal liability from officers, directors, and shareholders with the exception of negligence (Jennings, 2006). However, they are expected to act in the best interest of the company. This includes following all applicable tax laws and regulations. Riordan must address the varying finance and accounting systems that each location currently uses. The existing process is slow and because of the manual data entry increases the chance of error. Riordan should implement one accounting system for the entire company to use. While expensive upfront, this system will cut down on the amount of manual work that is needed and over time will significantly reduce cost. In addition, Riordan is a publicly traded company, which means it must comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002 (Jennings, 2006). With Riordanââ¬â¢s current finance and accounting systems, this would be extremely difficult. Governance Corporate governance is defined as a way in which a company protects itself with a framework of rules and practices by which the Board of Directors ensure accountability, fairness, and transparency (BusinessDictionary. com, n. d. ). Riordan needs to elect a Board of Directors to oversee the management of the company; in addition they will provide guidance for the senior management and any external auditors. As Riordan implements the ERM framework, the board should be consulted to make updates for the amount of risk they want to assume and adjust policy as they see fit. ? References BusinessDictionary. com. (n. d. ). BusinessDictionary. com. Retrieved from http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/corporate-governance. html Jennings, M. M. (n. d. ). Business: It's Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment (7th ed. ). Keating, G. C. (2001). The Theory of Enterprise Liability. Vanderbuilt Law Review. Retrieved from http://law. vanderbilt. edu/publications/vanderbilt-law-review/archive/volume-54-number-3-april-2001/download. aspx? id=2846 Legal-Explainations. com. (n. d. ). Legal-Explainations. com. Retrieved from http://www. legal-explanations. com/definitions/product-liability. htm Peters, R. J. , and Mastin, D. B. (2007, May ââ¬â July). To mediate or not to mediate: That is the question. Dispute Resolution Journal, 62(2), 14-21. University of Phoenix. (2004). Riordan Manufacturing [Computer Software]. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, Simulation, Law 531 website.
Choosing a Career in the Medical Field Essay
ââ¬Å"A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.â⬠~Theodore Roosevelt (Graduation Quotes, Commencement Sayings, Advice For Graduates, 2012). Education is something one could say gives you a better understanding of the world. Without Education in this day and time you may find a job but a career is much harder to obtain. Although the job market and economy are still suffering quite a bit and there are worries of whether or not you will find employment after college, it is thought to be the best option for obtaining a great career. Choosing what to go to school for after graduation can seem challenging. The medical field is rapidly growing career field that is increasing in demand every year, with higher patient demands and growing technology. As long as we are here, the demand for medical field careers will continue to be here as patients need to be taken care of by medical personnel. The medical field has many careers to choose from and is not solely limited to nurses and doctors. Some examples of the career choices in the medical field are a Registered Nurse (RN), a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN), a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), a Medical Assistant, and a Certified Nursing Assistant. The growth in these careers all have grown in the last several years and is expected to continuously grow over the next four years, with some fields having more drastic growth than others. Registered Nursing jobs are expected to grow by 23% between the years of 2006-2016, with just an associateââ¬â¢s degree in this field. Registered Nurses assess incoming patientââ¬â¢s symptoms and the severity of them. They can also offer advice on care to stay healthy as well as administer some forms of treatment or care. They are often overseen or supervised by Physicians. LVNââ¬â¢s and LPNââ¬â¢s are expected to grow approximately 14% from 2006-2016. The schooling on average for a career as a LVN or LPN is anywhere from 10-16 months. The duties or tasks in this field involve taking care of sick or injured persons in many different facilities. They are often supervised by Registered Nurses (O*NET ONLINE, 2011).Medical Assistant jobs are expected to have a 35% increase over the next ten years. Programs to become a Medical Assistant can range from eight months to receiving an associateââ¬â¢s degree in medical assisting. Medical Assistants can work in the clinical part of a medical field or the administrative part. They are often supervised by Physicians but can also be supervised by medical office managers as well as registered nurses. Clinical duties in medical assisting may include but not be limited to taking vitals, getting a patientââ¬â¢s past medical history, assisting a physician in treatment, and drawing blood. Administrative duties in medical can include medical billing and coding, checking patients in and scheduling patient appointments to general secretarial duties (O*NET ONLINE, 2011). Certified Nursing Assistant Programs are expected to gain 265,000 jobs over the next 10 years. A certified nursing assistants daily duties can include bathing a patient, to dressing and feeding a patient, changing a patients bedding to even moving a patient to or from their bed. Certified Nursing Assistants are supervised by Registered Nurses and Physicians. Most Certified Medical Assistant programs range from 8-12 weeks and require no licensing or board certification (Lang, 2009). The medical career field is a very desirable field with continuous growth, short periods of training or school and also may have benefits with competitive wages. Advancement in technology continues almost daily in the medical field keeping patients healthy and alive longer. This increases the demand for health care and in turn increases the demand for qualified employees. As long as there are advancements in technology the medical field will continue to grow in technology and continue to have a demand for employment. With a steady career in the medical field you may have a better chance at benefits and may also be offered some kind of retirement or 401k plan. Average salaries in the medical field may also be something that is more desirable than the minimum wage employment that you may find without a college degree or trained education. The average median salaries for health care field careers can average from 28,860 yearly for a medical assistant to an LPN or LVN making an average of 40, 380 per year. Certified nursing assistants make an average of 24,010 a year and a Nurse makes an average of 64,690 a year (US Bureau of Labor Statistics,2012). Choosing a career in the medical field can be beneficial to your career future and your retirement future. There is not only job stability that is offered; there are also competitive wages and benefit packages with full time position within reach. The advancement in technologies that are continuing can help guarantee continuous job growth in the medical field industry. Health careers can also be a rewarding career field, when helping patients with a problem or illness they cannot overcome on their own you may have a feeling of self-accomplishment or fulfillment in your career. ââ¬Å"Find a job you like and you add five days to every week.â⬠~ H. Jackson Brown, J.R (H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Quotes-BrainyQuote, 2012). References Graduation Quotes, Commencement Sayings, Advice For Graduates.(2012).The Quote Garden. Retrieved from H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Quotes-BrainyQuote.(2012). BrainyQuote. Retrieved from Lang, Janell.(2009). Academic Search Premier. The outlook in the health sciences. New Directions For Community Colleges, (146), 53-62. O*NET OnLine.(2011).O*NET. Retrieved from US Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2012). United States Department of Labor. Retrieved from
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
English Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
English Study - Essay Example I want to let you know that l have met with Dr. XXX and we have discussed my courses for next spring. Also, we have talked about my plan for the dissertation, but our conversation did not end with a particular topic. I do not have a clue yet about the topic I want to research on. Do Arabic learners need to learn the syllable patterns of Arabic and English? Will they be able to pronounce English sound or word appropriately, or intelligibility? Why does Arabic speaker sound like a foreigner? If the Arabic speaker masters English prosody, do they have a native accent of English? Does mimic or video help Arabic learner of English to be as native as different between Arabic and English prosody?Training Arabic learners to place more emphasis on the pattern of the English syllable helps to eliminate the chances of predicted errors. This can be achieved by introducing short syllable patterns and then long syllable patterns in English. In order to achieve this, it is crucial to focus on answe ring questions like: How can we make Arabic learners of English as sound native-like or sound good? How to improve their accent? Does learning prosody make them sound as native-like?Why do Arab learners often make this mistake in this particular sound of English? Is there a solution, tools or technique to help them reduce the error? Is shadowing a good learning technique for fluency and developing native-like prosody?Video and mimic can be good to master prosody. As you can see, I have random ideas and thoughts but all of them are under phonological aspects.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Dietary analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Dietary analysis - Essay Example To be able to analyze the nutritional needs and status, a three-day tabulation diet was undertaken. The food records for three days are presented in the end on the report (Appendix 1). In addition, the pertinent analysis of the different types of foods that had been eaten is also included along with the different nutritional compositions and information (Appendix 2-4). A presentation of the personal information related to health and nutrition is important to be able to compare the diet on the standards that were set which is referred to as the Recommended Dietary Intake. In the analysis of the macronutrients and water content of the food intake for the 3 days that had been studied, there are different observations that can be perceived. For protein, the average of the three values is higher than the RDI. Even the individual protein content values for each day are comparatively higher than the RDI for both males and females. This can be considered still at the optimum level since no upper level of intake had been presented. This is important since it is the major building block of the body (Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing National Health and Medical Research Council, 2005). In terms of the fats and fatty acids, upon estimation it can be determined that the daily intakes for the 3 days are above the RDI. For that matter, susceptibility to diseases related to fat accumulation can be one of the risks. No set values were given for carbohydrates because it is needed by the body for vital functions. The carbohydrate component of the diet then is useful for the body. The average and individual dietary fibre values are insufficient compared to the RDI. The water and water content in foods are also insufficient on the basis of the values presented by the RDI. Based on the said group then, there is a need to increase the dietary fibre and water intake to be able to achieve the sufficient RDI
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